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It sucks to be sitting all alone at weddings. Hi, I'm anti-social. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Screwed up

My mom can buy my sister a car, and she totally blew me off when I asked her if she could buy me a new pair of slippers when mine tore. Seriously FML. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Kiss my ass, bitch

Let me tell you a little story about a bitch of a sister of mine, she had an arguement with her stupid boyfriend one night while I was indulging on my playstation. She had an episode where she had a bitch fit and had trouble breathing, literaly. I wouldn't actually give a damn if she didn't fucking woke the whole fucking house up with her stupid wailing. No one can curse like how my father can, the way he curse my sister. Wooooh. That is the only fun thing about this stupid ordeal, haha. Off to bribe the paramedic to give my sister some lethal injection with some kind of poison, bye and have a good night.
May temasek polytechnic explode and burn all their bus-dominating fuckhead students. Out. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
I was molested, haha. Jason sucks. Haha. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Why bother?

She's one of those girls who only exist in fairytales, not even in your wildest dreams can you have a chance with her. And when there's a chance that you can talk to her, the odds are with you that you're gonna blow it. Isn't life wonderful! I love you iPhone. Bye - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Did I mentioned that I hate school? It sucks to wake up early on a Monday morning. Off to school, I go. Have a nice day. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


It's so much easier to blog with an iphone, god bless apple. Anyway, have you ever felt that you were mistreated in any way, being patronized. And the feeling where everything is unfair, it sucks, doesn't it. "know your friends well, know your enemy better" - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
it sucks to be you, it's worse to be me. win-win situation, ain't it. --- "and he left his child back in the car where he knew that the windows were all wound up."
"If opposites attract, then my SOFT hands would be loaded with cold, HARD cash." Archibald "Archie" Andrews --- one more thing, do you ask for forgiveness or seek it? or i am just being my normal paranoid, delusional self.
there's one thing being spastic and special, and there's another being a stupid, dim-witted, ass wipe of a bloody matrep. to be fair, i can easily bash your stupid nose in. but why would i? you only said pukimak.. aduh, tak sedar diri, matrep time lambat. bedok, bedok... will never change. --- hahaha! one more thing, it sucks to have fuck-ingly hot relatives. hahaha!
come on people, don't be stingy. give me your money. --- note to self, check whether there's a makcik behind you before you watch soccer. sorry makcik for all the vulgarities.
i just wrote like a fucking long post bitching about my life, but i guess blogger is being a bitch to me right now. i think it's good if no one read that post, haha. emo bastard. god bless you!
superb. please make it rain Iphones.
i'm not gonna apologize if things don't go your way. and yeah, how the hell would i know things were this bad. it's so much easier to blame others than to admit our mistakes. --- screw those who see themselves as angels, take that mentality and go shove it up your ass.
well, happy 19th to me..thanks to all the wish-givers. though some of them were surprising, i really appreciate it. thx for getting yourself admitted, pa. --- i miss u, 'real parents'
no matter how we see it, we'll always be different. no matter how close we think we are, we'll always be alone. it's fucking retarded, think about it. --- "redemption awaits for thee who accepts me" how self absorbed can a guy get?
you know how when they make everything into your fault, when it's their problem in the first place and it's so much easier to blame some fool which i guess is me. i will leave when it's my time to leave, i'm sorry if i've burdened you for most of my life. it sucks to know that this is how you guys feel about me, after all this time. after all the fake smiles and fake laughs. and you know what is the most fucked up thing about all this, i really wanted to change. --- "i'm losing my sanity, talking in a 3rd person point of view. it's not painful, it just hurt. get my drift." --- school is the last thing on my mind, easing into the option of dropping out. it's easy to give up, but i see it as the only way to escape, even though that sound so juvenile. --- it's not my fucking problem that you wanna use my money to keep this fucking family up. how the fuck would i know that you wanna use it. and again, it's my fault. it always has been. to y
you gotta love the baby, haha!
yeah, i know..i know this is fucking rude, but being me.. i nearly pissed myself watching this. sorry Micheal, i just can't resist.
deal with it, he said. --- "No man is happy without a delusion of some kind. Delusions are as necessary to our happiness as realities." Christian Nestell Bovee
"We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others, that in the end, we become disguised to ourselves." Francois de la Roche Foucald
the things people do for the ones they love. incredible things, stupid things. and most of the time not thinking. --- haa.. Angel is superb, reminiscing about my childhood. ---------------- Now playing: Chris Brown feat Andre Meritt - Electric Guitar via FoxyTunes
"system overload" how do i get past this? --- it's nice to be smiled at once in a while. it's nice to be appreciated once in a while. --- heading downwards with a smile, try it. ---------------- Now playing: Nat King Cole - My Life via FoxyTunes
R.I.P. Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009) God Bless You! He was my childhood, I wish i had a chance to meet him. My thoughts are with you, Michael. “Do not fear death... only the unlived life. You don't have to live forever , You just have to live.”
how do we tie back torn knots, how do we light up a fire in a hurricane. --- it's like a prison, restricted movements, with a bitch always there behind you. hah. ---
i have a friend with unique aims, a simple person with simple needs. not quite what i'm used to, but we're becoming great friends
a brand new drive, that's what i need. --- walking on thin ice is very satisfying while noticing it cracks. --- this is very misleading, it's like trying to sew back up pants that has torn over a million times. --- it's refreshing to read blogs that share experiences with friends, good or bad. it reminds me of what i used to have. haha. ---
why try to be somebody you're not? it ain't worth it. trust me, i know. i feel like doing this to some people, haha
Your results: You are Hulk Hulk 85% Spider-Man 75% Green Lantern 70% Iron Man 70% Catwoman 60% Batman 55% Robin 55% The Flash 50% Supergirl 40% Superman 35% Wonder Woman 30% You are a wanderer with amazing strength. Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test
it hurts when the people who are close to you don't trust you. and they don't bother to hide the fact that they don't trust you. and when you realize that everything is fake, that's when it's too late. you feel like crying but you've got no more tears to. you wanna do something about it but deep in your heart, you know that nothing will change. and that's when you realize that you are alone. no one else matters but yourself. and that's that. --- it hurts, haha. i'm about to have a breakdown. stay away. --- "the morning rays drowns the dark, cold night. fighting the urges to commit these sins. keeping my faith as strong as it can ever be. i wear my heart on my sleeve only for you to see."
there is this little bit of hypocrisy in each one of us. how hard we try to deny it, how hard we try to divert the attention. --- "man is a victim of his own habits", someone told me. --- taking 1 day in each stride, school's a bore, --- look out your window, and see those boys playing soccer with bottles or just kicking rocks. you have no idea what i would give to be one of those boys. --- i'm not ashamed to say that i am a hypocrite, i wish i could just blurt out names, names and more names but that woud not be nice would it. it takes one to know one, they say. and hell yeah do i agree with it. --- peace, mo'fuckers
what does it mean to behave appropriately, to act your age? we are being scrutinized every time we step out of the house. do we allow them to get under our skin or do we grow a brain and let bygones be bygones. --- friends. where the hell do i start, you can't live without them but they are one of the most painful and hardest thing to maintain. you can pretend that you know a person for a very long time, but when things are the most complicated, they are nothing more than a stranger. that's when it hurts like hell. what are some things "friends" fight over, the first few things that came to my mind are, girls, clothes, money, jealousy, girls and more girls. i don't want to get into detail of the other things as these already prove to be very stupid. i must admit i am not a very good friend either, i'm sure most of you agree on that, --- do we fix broken relationships, or do we sit all day mulling over what could have been. if we choose the logical one, is it w
Don't Quit by: Unknown Author When things go wrong as they sometimes will, When the road you're trudging seems all uphill, When funds are low and the debts are high, And you want to smile, but you have to sigh. When care is pressing you down a bit. Rest, if you must, but don't you quit. Life is queer with its twists and turns As every one of us sometimes learns. And many a failure turns about When he might have won had he stuck it out: Don't give up though the pace seems slow - You may succeed with another blow. Success is failure turned inside out - The silver tint of the clouds of doubt. And you never can tell how close you are. It may be near when it seems so far: So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit It's when things seem worst that you must not quit. ---
i've removed the tagboard, stupid spammers. --- school's getting interesting, and for the first time in over 6 years, i'm interested in school. --- hah! --- i get it now, no matter how long i wait. you'll never come back. i'll deal with it. denial is indeed more easier than the cold, hard truth. --- "We like to think that we are rational beings; humane, conscientious, civilized, thoughtful. But when things fall apart, even just a little, it becomes clear, we are not better than animals. We think, we walk erect, we speak, we dream, but deep down we're still routing around in the primordial ooze; biting, clawing, scratching out an existence in the cold, dark world like the rest of the tree-toads and sloths." i want to congratulate those who finally got what they wanted, have a good life.
school's not as great as i would like it to be. but it'll do. potentially great friends. --- "trust is the easiest thing to lose, but one of the hardest to attain"
"that sick feeling in your gut, when you disappoint people around you. when they talk with a low voice, when you realized that you have crossed the line. too far out that looking back doesn't help. you wish that you can go back, and just change the past."
i've been watching the news these few days, surprisingly to some. and i've heard about the earthquake in Italy. quite bad for a mere 6.3 magnitude, considered a baby to some seismologist. --- fun fact, this is what i think of arguments on the internet. just laugh, fuckers! --- thanks for the good times, steve. Wrestlemania was fucking awesome!
Happy Birthday Qamarul. --- i've done things that i've learn to regret. somethings that are undo-able. that no amount of sorry's that can be forgiven. i've hurt people in ways that i wish i hadn't. --- i don't know who i can trust anymore, i used to think that friends don't talk about each other behind their backs. i used to think that all these could have been a misunderstanding, but maybe they're like that. they like to lie. deceive. --- could it be that i'm the hypocritical one. --- i never meant for all this to happen, i really didn't. --- "i wish i could retrace my steps, i wish i could repay all my debts. i heard all the things you said to me, it saddens me cos it's reality. i haven't been the best of character, neither would you, if you were in my shoes, you would probably wither and disappear."
is there a guide book to tell you what to feel after certain things just don't work out? if there is, please tell me. --- it sucks. yes, it does. --- i'm poor. i need money seriously
well, what do you want to be when you grow up? what do you want to do? --- --- remember when you were playing with the space shuttle and wanted to become an astronaut. remember when you were playing with barbie and you wanted to become a princess. the smiles on the faces, the laughter echoing through the hallways. we believed we can be that, but it's just not exactly it. We GROW up and forget those dreams, some of us even throw away those dreams. --- Being an adult teach us to be a realist. Being an adult demands us to be matured. Why? Why does some of us forget the childhood dream? --- Don't be like him, haha!
remember the first time you made a friend, at pre-school, at primary school perhaps. when you try your best to impress that person. not caring about how the person looks, even smells like.. you just want a friend. a friend to laugh with. a friend to even cry with maybe. it's so nice, to just even feel that you have a friend even for just a day. it doesn't have to last, it just had to be fun. --- others can say what they want, they can try to make you feel miserable because they are just jealous of what you're feeling, the feeling to befriend somebody. the feeling of friendship simply. --- yes, i admit it. i wish i could re-do what i have done. so many things, so many things. but like you, i just want to be happy for even a moment with a friend. i just want to feel that wondrous thing again. --- we have swallowed a lot of shit by this thing called life. a lot. but why isn't it molding us into the "perfect" person our parents wants us to be. why aren't we? -
"At the end of the day faith is a funny thing. It turns up when you don't really expect it. Its like one day you realize that the fairy tale may be slightly different than you dreamed. The castle, well, it may not be a castle. And its happily ever after is not so important, just that its happy right now. See once in a while, once in a blue moon, people will surprise you, and once in a while people may even take your breath away."
" suicide songs i slit my wrist... " ----- been a good few days, remember when we used to walk this way, always been us since like forever, you broke it with something hard like a hammer. i go around with a daze on my face, i go around with a 12mm on my waist, looking for trouble cos' it's so easy, never thought about the consequences cos u got me bleeding. the drugs got me drifting on happy things, but i always come down hard, like a tackle from one of 'em linebackers from Minnesota Vikings. hah. ----
we are who we are, there's no point changing. --- feels like it was just yesterday when we were all together. laughing to my and QUA's stupid jokes, trying to laugh to FAZWAN's jokes. and i can't describe the rest. it was fun while it lasted, that's all i can say. --- The world is going to the dogs, i'm serious!
i have this uncanny knack to seriously irritate my friends. some times it's funny, some times i wish i hadn't done it. ---- i wasn't pinpointing to anybody but if i hurt anyone's feeling, i sincerely apologize. ---- an eye for an eye, i am still a small boy, thx. ---- yes, i am impulsive. ---- it sucks to lose friends, it sucks to hate friends. trust me, i know how it feels ---- and yea, this peculiar situation reminds me of an incident. long story short, i slayed some beasts. ---- "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" ---- good day, peace!
We all remember the bed time stories of our childhood. The shoe fit Cinderella, the frog was turned into a prince, sleeping beauty was awakened with a kiss. Once upon a time and then they live happily ever after. Fairy Tales. The stuff of dreams. the problem is, fairy tales don't come true. It's the other stories. The ones that start in dark and stormy nights and end in the unspeakable. The nightmares always seem to become the reality. ----- i write what i want, how ever i want to write it, and what the fuck i want to write about. i don't need people to ask me why is my blog so "sad" and "emotional".. if you don't like it then i got two words for ya, "FUCK OFF". yes, i'm rude. i am like that. get over it.
is this what happens when people hate you? is this what happens when they give up on you? -------- is this how it feels to be utterly lost of words? is this how it feels when you did something so wrong and there's nothing you can do about it? is this how it feels when the pressure of wanting to make up for what you've done just go way over your head? -------- i want to change some things but as a leopard don't change it's spots, i guess it's the same as me. many would say i'm weak, in the sense of that i'm too weak to change. i admit, i am weak. i am weak. i am weak. ---------- daily reminders makes me weak. daily reminders of the mistakes i've done makes me weak. daily reminders of what i have to do makes me weak. ---------- tears can't help me, love won't save me. ---------- i do what i do, and i know sorry won't help. i'm just so sorry. ---------- "A couple of hundred years ago, Benjamin Franklin shared with the world the secret
who are my true friends? i ask that question to myself everyday. --- why do i always hurt the ones i care for? --- sigh, goodnight --- Don't wonder why people go crazy, wonder why people don't . --- "You know how when you were a little kid and you believed in fairy tales, that fantasy of what your life would be, white dress, prince charming who would carry you away to a castle on a hill. You would lie in bed at night and close your eyes and you had complete and utter faith. Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, Prince Charming, they were so close you could taste them, but eventually you grow up, one day you open your eyes and the fairy tale disappears. Most people turn to the things and people they can trust. But the thing is its hard to let go of that fairy tale entirely cause almost everyone has that smallest bit of hope, of faith, that one day they will open their eyes and it will come true. "
"in this time, in this place, in this definite moment. when we close our eyes, and think about our childhood." ---- certain circumstances has made me look at life in a different way. ---- walking aimlessly, trying half-heartedly, crying soul-wrenchingly. ----
i'm not gonna elaborate, let's say i was "caught". hahaha ---- stupid pricks, get a LIFE! and how the hell you took my pic without me noticing. must be a fucking student. hahahaha ---- haters everywhere. ---- here are some wonderful comments, hahaha "eddie_21 said on 20 Jan, 2009 just smoking only it a shame to smoke then ask the govt to stop selling lar..then ite student not human ar y cannot smoke" "ttantzew said on 20 Jan, 2009 Two wrongs should be equal to 1 right. Negative + Negative = Positive" "youbusybody said on 20 jan, 2009 Big deal" and personally, a favorite of mine... "CharSiewBau said on 20 Jan, 2009 he's outside school already what. i mean most people will just look-and-bye why care so much about other people. moreover there are tons of students in uniform smoking nowadays
i am stopping this, this bad habit. --- "i will make this right" i said. --- it's time for me to grow up , no more baby shenanigans . i'm done, done with this. --- i'm done disappointing you over and over again, i'm sorry mama. --- i will not allow this to happen. i can't go down this path. ---
a new year, a new beginning? perhaps. --- so yeah, it's already 2009 --- all i want to do is to be a better person. --- that's all!