when you think you know a person,
everything suddenly changes
and you're back to where you started,
back at square one.
and it sucks,
it sucks to have done almost
everything to make it better,
and it just takes one small matter
to restart the fire.
there's no point,
no point
and to the vice president,
get well soon..
and shit...this is scary...hahaha

i've read it and can't help but smile!
thank you!
everything suddenly changes
and you're back to where you started,
back at square one.
and it sucks,
it sucks to have done almost
everything to make it better,
and it just takes one small matter
to restart the fire.
there's no point,
no point
and to the vice president,
get well soon..
and shit...this is scary...hahaha
i've read it and can't help but smile!
thank you!