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Showing posts from December, 2007
i just don't know why am i so afraid i have u at my finger tips and i let go i guess i'm not ready bullshit! i just need sometime to straighten things out.. and no, i'm not gay i hope u understand ------------------------- "why does it feel like it's raining in my head i don't understand, why are u always complaining about me, u don't even know who i am" "i don't need u" ---------------- Listening to: Backstreet Boys - Something That I Already Know via FoxyTunes
things can't seem to be right.. everything i do is wrong.. you're always right, you're always right i'm rude. i got it from u, bitch.. u would die for u daughters.. u wouldn't even care if i died, would u? i don't mind, i don't mind.. hear this.. i'm just buying time.. to get my fat ass out of this craphole.. i just need to know, need to know.. why are u such a bitch.. i need to fucking know.. is it because i don't fulfill your expectations.. or i'm not smart.. GOD, i need to know.. even when i do the right thing, u're still on my case.. okay enough.. --------------------------------------- on the way to the mosque in indonesia.. isn't he the cutest.. that's what gonna save me the hole of death ---------------------- so..that's my trip to Indonesia.. to face death..and learn something from it well it was quite fun actually.. the people there are friendly buggers.. their hospitality is remarkable... the don't care for ur name..
" keeping quiet was my mistake and i don't intend to do it again. the thoughts keep haunting me, what if i could do it better or would it all matter The distant splatter of the evening shower, drown my curses at the higher power. And when i thought everything would resolve, it all came to me like a shot through the head Why didn't i just walked away from everything, just walk away from reality. If this is what keeping me alive, then i pray that it would all end soon." ----------------------------------------------- ---------------- Listening to: Busted - Why via FoxyTunes
"it's been a awhile since we talked, wish i could just tell u everything.. but i don't know, i'm unsure i don't even know who i am anymore. if only u knew...." ---------------------------------------- "remember me when u go, dream of me when u are sleeping, talk to me when i'm out of words, be with me when i'm lonely" ---------------- and to qua, i want u to talk to me.. and prepared..cos i going to blanja-ing u guys for tulang at beach road....stand by...woot woot woot.. ---------------------------------------------------------- "i wish i could just make u turn around, turn around and see me cry, there's so much i need to say to you, so many reasons why" ---------------- Listening to: The Postal Service - Against All Odds via FoxyTunes
"Such a boring day, wish i could run and just look away. from this mess i'm in" ------------------------------------ and fazzz, happy birthday bruderrrr welcome to de 17 year old klub like, finally... aniway..i hope u are having the best birthday ever present on de way..i promise.. ---------------- Listening to: The Click Five - Happy Birthday via FoxyTunes
"My Dad, The dictator" "My Mom, The instigator" "My Sister, The double-crosser" meet my them to death.. hardly can't wait till i get my hands on some meth, to fly away from this mess. -------------------------------------------------- "Light shines on my face When I need my space I've been feeling blue Well, how 'bout you?" ---------------- Listening to: Steadman - Wave Goodbye via FoxyTunes
Well..i really don't know what's the use of having this blog, but it's really nice to have somewhere to vent all of my fucking frustration since i have no one to talk to..(SHUT UP) What's the point of having a family when all they do is stab u in the back and make sure u're at your worse all the time.. it is REALLY fucking frustrating.. GOD!! son of a bitches..u guys think u're fucking perfect.. today's ur day, tomorrow's mine, u fucking hypocrites.. that fucking sums up my mood..and if u have a goddamn problem, u all can go fuck yourselves for all i care! AAAAAAAAAAAARRRGHHHHHHH ---------------- Now playing: Chris Daughtry - All These Lives via FoxyTunes
#01 The Darkness ------------------ The sudden cold creep up my veins, paralyzing me instantly. What i thought was real just broke in front of me. Being a kid and judged to be naive, i thought i was in control of everything. But in a seconds flash, everything that i believed in, fall in a thousand pieces like shattered glass. The cold wind swept across my face, freezing my mind as it whispered lies into my ears. Asking the heavens with my trembling hands in the air, why did things turn out this way? It answered me with a simple gesture, wind ruffling my wet hair, "You screwed up, i'm just here to make everything worse" --------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- Now playing: The Click Five - Mary Jane via FoxyTunes
so, hi people..i've just created this blog out of boredom. well it's been a while since i've been to school, and hibernating at home can really do wonders to a person. for me, sitting here doing nothing has sparked up the creative side of my mind. Ideas surface, songs began to form, stories began to take shape..truthfully, i'm new at this blogging thingy, and it would take me quite a while to understand this is what my blog's mainly stories and songs..but i will also squeeze some of my "life-happenings" too..ok..till here ---------------- Now playing: Super Furry Animals - Hello Sunshine via FoxyTunes