each one of us will definitely have a moment where giving up seems like the best solution, running away, away from it all. the cliche would be, confront it.. or something like don't run away.. fuck it.. fuck it all. Some problems are just not meant to be solved. just leave it there or better yet kick it under the carpet!! --- hahaha! --- spare me the lecture, just turn around and get the hell out of my sight! --- and aidil is back, houston, he's ok --- at least you said hello! that's good enough for me! --- haha, fucking queer! --- you just make me so fucking mad, so fucking pissed all the time. finding faults, that is stupidly childish. that is fuckingly dog-brain comparable. that is so damn fucking stupid so fucking stupid, so irritatingly stupid. so stupid that it makes dog-sniff-butt looks like the answer to all our problems.. unbelievable!