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Showing posts from 2010
new year huh? i miss confiding here. i miss mama. i wish we were together to celebrate the new year. i will meet you again. i can't wait. and i love you. and have a good new year. to my non existent readers.
money's a bitch. too much and it control you. too little and you become a criminal. --- you shouldn't have made me one of your own. now i want your other children have. i know i'm selfish. but in the end, we have to be. --- sometimes, i feel that suicide is the only way out. i know, i know. "you're being naive, god doesn't like it" screw god. where is he when i needed him. i'm done. --- i'm sorry for not updating. i feel that i've lost myself. soul searching starts all over again. --- i miss you, mom.
your day is not done until you make it hell for me, isn't it. i try to be nice. i try to be reasonable. seriously, go fuck yourself. i literally don't give a rat's ass what you think. i hate you. it kills me. what you're doing. i have been withstanding it all my life. god, pls take my soul. i know this sounds so gay. but try walking in my shoes. i'm not asking for your sympathy, i just want you to understand me. --- i just want to lead a normal life, i want to have a normal family. i want to have a normal life. is that so hard to ask. really? --- there is this big, empty hole where my heart used to be. and no, i'm not talking about a girl. i want to feel wanted. i want to feel cared for. i want to feel that i'm needed. i'm just repeating myself, i know. but i don't care. --- i see my friends who are close to their parents and i feel like crying. i hear their parents tell their children they love them and i feel jealous like hell. i don't care wha...
In Our Darkest Hour In My Deepest Despair Will You Still Care? Will You Be There? In My Trials And My Tribulations Through Our Doubts And Frustrations In My Violence In My Turbulence Through My Fear And My Confessions In My Anguish And My Pain Through My Joy And My Sorrow In The Promise Of Another Tomorrow I'll Never Let You Part For You're Always In My Heart.
the reason why the two of you always argue is because you both have the fucking same character. you don't see it. the people caught in between can see it. --- yes i don't make the grades, yes i don't get the awards, but i still have feelings. i still do. --- i know money is tight but... maybe i don't understand. but you don't understand me. --- how can you marry someone for 25 fucking years and fucking fight every single fucking day. i'm sick of it, i'm sick of you. --- i don't have many things to look forward to, i think i complain too much. i think you do too. but this is my space. so get the fuck out. bitches.
i know no one cares, but happy 205th birthday to Hans Christian Andersen. --- and 1 more thing, i can do whatever you can do, better i daresay. and i am no petty thief, i don't walk that path any more. so screw you and your 50's fucking mindset.
my baby is back. 18-0.
i keep going back and forth. not knowing if i'm gonna stick with the plan. i keep going back and forth. damn it, man. --- ok think about this for a sec. FREEWILL what if there's no such thing as freewill, a delusion we force our self to believe in to give us a reason to do the things we do. what if everything is scripted. like you coming here and reading this. now what's the chances of that, huh. think about it. --- " repent and thou shalt be saved ."
"we hold on to whatever we have left, as we fear the darkness. slowly creeping to us. slowly but surely, it envelopes us. until faith is the only thing we have left." -- i will miss you, even though i don't show it. see you on the other side.
as he walks on, without fear in his eyes. sweat dripping from his forehead. he looked back as he leaves his past behind. and he slowly break down. ---
Have you ever been at a crossroads where every decision you make is gonna fuck you up. It's not a nice feeling. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
damn, shitty night. penniless, tired. GREAT! --- have you ever felt that you've done everything you can, and be back at square one. --- bowing under the status quo, bowing under the common rule. --- and what is this hype about the upcoming MUSE concert in the next couple of days, i got nothing against them, but i just can't stand a few overzealous fans, seriously irritating the fuck outta me. good job, bitch. --- can't wait for june. heh.


Starting the day with a kick. Some accuses and a whole lot of curses. Shoving it all under the rug, that's how I'm making it through day by day. --- "it keeps coming, it doesn't show any compassion, it will kill you at the slightest chance it gets." ---