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Showing posts from March, 2009
is there a guide book to tell you what to feel after certain things just don't work out? if there is, please tell me. --- it sucks. yes, it does. --- i'm poor. i need money seriously
well, what do you want to be when you grow up? what do you want to do? --- --- remember when you were playing with the space shuttle and wanted to become an astronaut. remember when you were playing with barbie and you wanted to become a princess. the smiles on the faces, the laughter echoing through the hallways. we believed we can be that, but it's just not exactly it. We GROW up and forget those dreams, some of us even throw away those dreams. --- Being an adult teach us to be a realist. Being an adult demands us to be matured. Why? Why does some of us forget the childhood dream? --- Don't be like him, haha!
remember the first time you made a friend, at pre-school, at primary school perhaps. when you try your best to impress that person. not caring about how the person looks, even smells like.. you just want a friend. a friend to laugh with. a friend to even cry with maybe. it's so nice, to just even feel that you have a friend even for just a day. it doesn't have to last, it just had to be fun. --- others can say what they want, they can try to make you feel miserable because they are just jealous of what you're feeling, the feeling to befriend somebody. the feeling of friendship simply. --- yes, i admit it. i wish i could re-do what i have done. so many things, so many things. but like you, i just want to be happy for even a moment with a friend. i just want to feel that wondrous thing again. --- we have swallowed a lot of shit by this thing called life. a lot. but why isn't it molding us into the "perfect" person our parents wants us to be. why aren't we? -
"At the end of the day faith is a funny thing. It turns up when you don't really expect it. Its like one day you realize that the fairy tale may be slightly different than you dreamed. The castle, well, it may not be a castle. And its happily ever after is not so important, just that its happy right now. See once in a while, once in a blue moon, people will surprise you, and once in a while people may even take your breath away."
" suicide songs i slit my wrist... " ----- been a good few days, remember when we used to walk this way, always been us since like forever, you broke it with something hard like a hammer. i go around with a daze on my face, i go around with a 12mm on my waist, looking for trouble cos' it's so easy, never thought about the consequences cos u got me bleeding. the drugs got me drifting on happy things, but i always come down hard, like a tackle from one of 'em linebackers from Minnesota Vikings. hah. ----