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Showing posts from April, 2010
the reason why the two of you always argue is because you both have the fucking same character. you don't see it. the people caught in between can see it. --- yes i don't make the grades, yes i don't get the awards, but i still have feelings. i still do. --- i know money is tight but... maybe i don't understand. but you don't understand me. --- how can you marry someone for 25 fucking years and fucking fight every single fucking day. i'm sick of it, i'm sick of you. --- i don't have many things to look forward to, i think i complain too much. i think you do too. but this is my space. so get the fuck out. bitches.
i know no one cares, but happy 205th birthday to Hans Christian Andersen. --- and 1 more thing, i can do whatever you can do, better i daresay. and i am no petty thief, i don't walk that path any more. so screw you and your 50's fucking mindset.