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Showing posts from October, 2009

Why bother?

She's one of those girls who only exist in fairytales, not even in your wildest dreams can you have a chance with her. And when there's a chance that you can talk to her, the odds are with you that you're gonna blow it. Isn't life wonderful! I love you iPhone. Bye - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Did I mentioned that I hate school? It sucks to wake up early on a Monday morning. Off to school, I go. Have a nice day. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


It's so much easier to blog with an iphone, god bless apple. Anyway, have you ever felt that you were mistreated in any way, being patronized. And the feeling where everything is unfair, it sucks, doesn't it. "know your friends well, know your enemy better" - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
it sucks to be you, it's worse to be me. win-win situation, ain't it. --- "and he left his child back in the car where he knew that the windows were all wound up."