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Showing posts from September, 2009
"If opposites attract, then my SOFT hands would be loaded with cold, HARD cash." Archibald "Archie" Andrews --- one more thing, do you ask for forgiveness or seek it? or i am just being my normal paranoid, delusional self.
there's one thing being spastic and special, and there's another being a stupid, dim-witted, ass wipe of a bloody matrep. to be fair, i can easily bash your stupid nose in. but why would i? you only said pukimak.. aduh, tak sedar diri, matrep time lambat. bedok, bedok... will never change. --- hahaha! one more thing, it sucks to have fuck-ingly hot relatives. hahaha!
come on people, don't be stingy. give me your money. --- note to self, check whether there's a makcik behind you before you watch soccer. sorry makcik for all the vulgarities.
i just wrote like a fucking long post bitching about my life, but i guess blogger is being a bitch to me right now. i think it's good if no one read that post, haha. emo bastard. god bless you!
superb. please make it rain Iphones.
i'm not gonna apologize if things don't go your way. and yeah, how the hell would i know things were this bad. it's so much easier to blame others than to admit our mistakes. --- screw those who see themselves as angels, take that mentality and go shove it up your ass.