you know how when they make everything into your fault, when it's their problem in the first place and it's so much easier to blame some fool which i guess is me. i will leave when it's my time to leave, i'm sorry if i've burdened you for most of my life. it sucks to know that this is how you guys feel about me, after all this time. after all the fake smiles and fake laughs. and you know what is the most fucked up thing about all this, i really wanted to change. --- "i'm losing my sanity, talking in a 3rd person point of view. it's not painful, it just hurt. get my drift." --- school is the last thing on my mind, easing into the option of dropping out. it's easy to give up, but i see it as the only way to escape, even though that sound so juvenile. --- it's not my fucking problem that you wanna use my money to keep this fucking family up. how the fuck would i know that you wanna use it. and again, it's my fault. it always has been. to y...